Community Priorities Programme Funding Cycle

We are excited to announce the launch of the applications for the Community Priorities Programme (CPP) for the 2024-26 funding

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Introducing Local Area Panels – seeking your help

What would I do?
• Work alongside other panel members to provide feedback on how we design our consultations.
• Share your ideas on how we can improve on engagement events for the programme.
• Commission local service providers.
• Attend evening meetings
• Assess funding applications.

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Paddington Arts Community Consultation

Paddington Arts has been looking at options available to us to secure the future of Paddington Arts, both as a youth arts organisation, and a community space.
They have recently submitted proposals to WCC Planning.
There is an Open Day on 28 – 31 July at Paddington Arts where they will be presenting plans, and inviting comments and questions.

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Drop-in sessions: proposal for temporary nursery at Westbourne Green

Westminster Council is running drop-in sessions for the proposed temporary nursery at Westbourne Green. These drop-in sessions are linked to

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