Draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan Public Consultation

The draft Infrastructure Delivery Plan (draft IDP) identifies the infrastructure our communities need now and as we grow. It sets out our strategic vision for infrastructure over the coming decades.

We are now consulting on the draft IDP to make sure that it is understandable and engaging. The survey only takes five minutes and you will be entered into a draw for one of two £25 gift cards.

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Community Priorities Programme Funding Cycle

We are excited to announce the launch of the applications for the Community Priorities Programme (CPP) for the 2024-26 funding

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Introducing Local Area Panels – seeking your help

What would I do?
• Work alongside other panel members to provide feedback on how we design our consultations.
• Share your ideas on how we can improve on engagement events for the programme.
• Commission local service providers.
• Attend evening meetings
• Assess funding applications.

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Paddington Arts Community Consultation

Paddington Arts has been looking at options available to us to secure the future of Paddington Arts, both as a youth arts organisation, and a community space.
They have recently submitted proposals to WCC Planning.
There is an Open Day on 28 – 31 July at Paddington Arts where they will be presenting plans, and inviting comments and questions.

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