St Mary Magdalene Church Refurbishment Project
It’s time to stand up and be counted about one of the most exciting developments in Westbourne. Most local people will have heard of the plan to refurbish St Mary Magdalene Church (the one with the tall red and white stripy spire by the canal) and to build a new Heritage and Learning Centre in the small gap between this church and St Mary Magdalene School.
Now, after four years of design and consultation managed by Paddington Development Trust, architects’ plans are finally lodged with the Planning Department at Westminster Council. So, if planning permission is granted, the Mary Mags Project will be able to bid for significant sums from Heritage Lottery, who have backed the development so far. The central idea behind the scheme is to restore the church to its former important position in Paddington life, but in a way which will benefit all local communities, regardless of faith.
There are plans for a new classroom, a cafe, training schemes, apprenticeships and cultural and artistic programmes. With Lottery funding the Church can be restored (did you know it houses famous works of art by artists like William Morris?) and, with the addition of a new Heritage Centre, start to act as a social and cultural hub for Westbourne, thus helping to bring together our many communities.
Readers of this site are encouraged to make their views on this development known to the Council before the deadline date of 4th November. To do this:
Go to the Westminster City Council website:
- Click on ‘Planning applications and decisions’
- Click on ‘Search now’
- Enter the case reference number: 15/07195/FULL
- Click on ‘Make a Comment’, and follow the instructions