Fathers for Futures

Fathers for Futures

Fathers for Futures is an inclusive parent programme to help enhance father/child relationships and raise happy confident children. The programme is for fathers and male carers of children ages 0 – 18 years old in Westminster from any background.

Book Now for 25th April 2023

Fathers for Futures delivers the popular ‘Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities’ parenting programme for anyone raising children. The programme runs for three hours a week for 13 weeks. Refreshments are included and we may be able to provide free childcare.

Come along to an introductory session to find out more and see if it’s for you!

The course will help you to:
● Build positive family relationships
● Manage anger and stress
● Implement effective discipline strategies
● Gain confidence and communication skills
● Understand your child’s development
● Recognise and value your family and cultural traditions
● Meet other fathers and share ideas
All groups end with a celebration and you will receive a certificate and a parent manual.

Future Men is a multi-award-winning specialist charity that supports young people, boys and men.
0207 237 5353

Registered Charity Number: 1102451
Registered Company Number (England): 3443520Social iconCircleOnly use blue and/or white.For more details check out ourBrand Guidelines.

Queen's Park Children's Centre, 88 Bravington Road, W9 3AL
25th April 2023
Tuesdays:10:00am -1:00pm
Please contact Ahmed Abd-Elghany by email: a.abd-elghany@futuremen.org or mobile: 07757212131.