free food and storytelling event : To the Table

To the table
Free food and storytelling event

Hear extraordinary stories from your neighbours of travel to a new country, embracing how an area changes, falling in love, or learning to survive far away from where you were born. Share delicious FREE food with your neighbours in a celebration of what it is to live in a community.

Tuesday 25th Oct, 6 - 8 PM

at Grand Junction, St Mary Magdalene's Church, W2 5TF

Made possible with the Heritage Fund
Paddington Development Trust

انضموا الى مائدة الطعام
امسية حكايات وقصص مع وجبة طعام حلال مجانية

تستمع بها لقصص مميزة من جيرانك وسكنة منطقتك.
قصص هجرتهم الى بلد جديد, استعراض تغيير المكان,
التجارب العاطفية, او كيفية التعايش بعيدا عن المكان
الذي وادوا فيه. شارك جيىرانك وجبة طعام شهية
مجانية محتفلا بأنتمائك لمجتمعك المحلي

At Grand Junction, we are planning a free food and storytelling event : To the Table, to celebrate what it means to live in a community. We are excited to invite you and encourage you to share this with your network, as we are hoping to reach out to the wider community to bring more people together.

Drop-ins are welcome, and we also recommend for people to register their interest by emailing us at or sign up through Eventbrite. This will help us estimate how much food to prepare.

To the Table is part of the initiative Our Shared Heritage, a two-year long project funded by the Heritage Fund.

At To the Table, you can enjoy delicious food and hear stories from your neighbours. Hear extraordinary stories from your neighbours of travel to a new country, embracing how an area changes, falling in love, or learning to survive far away from where you were born.

To the table
Free food and storytelling event

Hear extraordinary stories from your neighbours of travel to a new country, embracing how an area changes, falling in love, or learning to survive far away from where you were born. Share delicious FREE food with your neighbours in a celebration of what it is to live in a community.

Tuesday 25th Oct, 6 - 8 PM

at Grand Junction, St Mary Magdalene's Church, W2 5TF

Made possible with the Heritage Fund
Paddington Development Trust

انضموا الى مائدة الطعام
امسية حكايات وقصص مع وجبة طعام حلال مجانية

تستمع بها لقصص مميزة من جيرانك وسكنة منطقتك.
قصص هجرتهم الى بلد جديد, استعراض تغيير المكان,
التجارب العاطفية, او كيفية التعايش بعيدا عن المكان
الذي وادوا فيه. شارك جيىرانك وجبة طعام شهية
مجانية محتفلا بأنتمائك لمجتمعك المحلي