To tbe Table – Iftar meal special

27th March 2024
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Grand Junction

Join us on the 27th March for a FREE Iftar meal to break the Ramadan fast with neighbours. Spaces will be available to pray.

We welcome everyone in the community, whether you observe Ramadan or not to share delicious free food with your neighbours in a celebration of what it is to live in a community.


To tbe Table - Iftar meal special Join us in our community celebration, connect with neighbours and enjoy a delicious free Iftar meal to break the fast at sunset. We will provide a separate space for praying. We welcome everyone in the community to join us, Whether you celebrate or not, come and enjoy delicious Middle Eastern food and meet people in your local community. BOOKING IS ESSENTIAL SCAN THE QR CODE TO SICN up WEDNESDAY 27 MARCH 2024 6 - 8 pm at Grand Junction St Mary Magdalene's Rowington Close W2 STF pdt - Paddington Development trust GRAND • JUNCTION Made Possible with Heritage Fund

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