Spring Fashion Sketching Workshop

5th April 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Pimlico Library

This is a unique chance for young people to learn from a fashion-inspired portrait Artist and develop their passion for Art and fashion sketching!

Led by Sketch Appeal Founder Dulcie Ball, this exciting half-day workshop is a chance to explore and experiment with a wide range of fashion drawing and illustration styles, as well as lots of different materials – including watercolours.

You’ll take inspiration from some iconic fashion illustrators past and present, working from reference imagery and imagination. You’ll also get to watch a demo and see lots of work by Dulcie (the Tutor), whose drawing style is heavily inspired by fashion.

This workshop is part of Sketch Appeal’s Spring Art Club. It includes free lunch and is open to ages 12 – 18.

Any questions about the project?
Email us at dulcie@sketchappeal.co.uk

Further details



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