Reimagine London

25 ideas revealed on Reimagine London shortlist

New London Agenda (NLA) has revealed the shortlisted ideas that reimagine London with innovative, community focussed visions to tackle some of London’s most pressing challenges including accessibility and sustainability.

Over one hundred ideas were received, with more than half submitted by individuals or groups under 35 years old. Submitters were required to tackle a real issue London is currently facing, and a focus on environmental sustainability and reclaiming streets for pedestrians were clear themes throughout the shortlist.

Ideas on the shortlist range from radical rethinking of how London’s underground network could be leveraged as urban farms, entertainment spaces and logistical routes, to a community striving to transform a concrete area of Waltham Forest into a vibrant and biodiverse community park.

The Westway Reimagined was proposed by a Westbourne Forum committee member and made the shortlist of 25.

Please vote before 6th September for your favourite entrant.

The Westway Reimagined!

Digital twin Al technology to unlock meaningful community participation in development along the Westway. Development to incorporate vertical circulation hubs to enable people to access the Westway for future car-free days such as markets, fun runs, cycle races etc

Spearhead a programme of innovative interventions to include noise barriers, pollution absorption and renewable energy tecnologies such as wind-turbines, solar panels and piezoelectrics. Real-time displays on energy totems to show air quality and energy generated. Changing art displays to promote the local area. Leverage advertising and local development to fund a phased series of improvements to and beyond the Westway.

Design competitions to humanise and extend routes under the Westway. Key pilot projects include connections to Royal Oak Station and the Hampden Street footbridge to extend connections to parks and canals and to reveal hidden waterways such as the Westbourne.

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