Westbourne Green Masterplan
As you may know, Westminster Council has identified the Westbourne Green area as the location for a Masterplan, to look at improving local housing, community facilties, parks and businesses.
The plan is currently being worked on using ideas from consultation in the community and at an exhibition last summer. During February, there will be four focus groups to look further into some of the main issues raised by residents last year. They are:
Parks and open spaces
A meeting and walkabout the local area
Saturday 4th February 2012, 11am-12.30pm
Harrow Road
The environment, shops, traffic and other issues that affect the character of the ‘neighbourhood centre’
Tuesday 7th February, 6.30-8.30pm
Parking and garages
Considering the future for parking in the neighbourhood
Thursday 23rd February, 6.30-8.30pm
New homes
What new housing in the area should be like
Monday 27th February, 6.30-8.30pm
All groups will be held in the foyer of the Stowe Centre, and rea and coffee will be provided. Please attend as many as you like to let us know your views. If you cannoth attend but would still like to have a say, please contact the Westbourne Team on 0207 266 8220 or westbourne@pdt.org.uk, or drop into the Stowe Centre any week day.