WSS half term 2024

2nd November 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Westminster Supplementary School

Westminster Supplementary School is running a four day free of charge enriching HAF activities and healthy food for young children aged between 4 – 15 years old.

This ½ Term which the Westminster City Council is funding local organisations to offer free activities and a healthy meal offer to children and young people in the borough.

This provision will ensure that children and young people are supported in the half-term to access life enhancing and creative opportunities, learn about the importance of healthy eating and physical exercise and receive a healthy meal per day.

Activities this half-term include sport sessions, cultural trips, arts, crafts and drama sessions, residential, cookery sessions, personal development and educational programmes; and, health and wellbeing activities.

The camps are free of charge for young people on free school meals. One free healthy meals will be provided during the day (either as a breakfast snack or a lunch. The children are welcomed to attend as many sessions as they would like, depending on the spaces available. Places will be allocated on a first come, first served basis, so register early to avoid disappointment.

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