Acorns: Messy Church

We finish the week on Friday with a creative session followed later with ‘Messy Church’ in partnership with Westbourne Park Baptist Church.

Our Acorns stay and play sessions are for families and carers with children under 5 years old.
We are open to all on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with a families only session on Wednesday.
The sessions make good use of the new purpose built facilities of Westbourne Park Baptist Church, for children to play, learn, explore and socialise while parents and carers are encouraged to interact with them through a variety of activities.

Parenting advice and support offered during sessions
Charge per session
£1 Families
£2 Childminders
£3 Nannies

If you have any questions please email Suna on:
If you would like any specific parenting advice please email Wendy on:

Acorns Early Years web page

Registration form

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